Tag: windows

  • Change Vista’s Power Button To Shutdown, Not Sleep

    If you’re here, it is most likely because you are like I used to be, annoyed that Windows Vista’s Start menu power button puts the computer to sleep instead of turning it off. Well, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll change it so in two clicks you can power off your computer. First off, […]

  • Configuring Globalscape SFTP Behind an ISA Firewall

    I was having some trouble trying to get FTP over SSL on a Globalscape SFTP (Secure FTP) server working behind an ISA Firewall. Once I got it working, I figuredĀ  I’d post the configuration to hopefully help you avoid the headache of figuring it out on your own. On the ISA server I created two […]

  • How can I wipe erased data off of a hard drive or folder??

    When you delete a file from your hard drive, the file itself is not actually deleted. Instead, windows deleted the reference to the file from the computer’s “table of contents”. This tells the computer that the space on the hard drive taken by that file is now available and can be overwritten. Here’s the catch: […]